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Sugar Ban

2200 L

Sugar Ban™
Gymnema Sylvestre Complex
The roots and leaves of Gymnema sylvestre, a climbing vine-like plant, have been used for thousands of years in India. Gurmar, the Hindi name for this herb, means “destroyer of sugar” because it suppresses the sweet taste of sugar (i.e., sweet foods no longer taste sweet). Several forms of gymnemic acid have been identified as the anti-sweet principles of this valuable botanical. Source Naturals Sugar Ban™ also contains pullulan, an extract of Zizyphus jujuba, which also reduces the human perception of sweet taste. Additional supportive nutrients include grapefruit pectin and the mineral chromium.*
265 mg Tablet Option Available: 30tablets     Code:SN0788
Suggested Use: 1 to 3 tablets with water, depending on your sugar intake, 15 minutes before each meal.
Categories: , Product ID: 10217


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